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Together we can transform lives!

Kelly Mansfield

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

This might look like just horsing around but for Luna this is transforming her life. Strengthening her non proffered hand to assist with day to day living.

At the young age of 9 months old Luna was diagnosed with epilepsy and Right Side Hemiplegia (Cerebral Palsy) when her mother noticed a preference to only one side of her body.

"When I see Luna use her non preferred hand to hold a pencil, cup or ponies tail, I am like WOHOOOOO Yes Luna, well done. To anyone else it may come across as normal but to me it is the most rewarding feeling ever, and a small confirmation that what we are doing is helping Luna to develop new skills and discover new abilities." (Luna's Mother)

Every week Luna is getting more and more confident in her riding and the team of therapists, coaches and voluntary assistants makes every task fun but at the same time advantageous to Luna, working on the use of her non proffered hand and achieving her goals.

With your support this tax time we can make a tangible difference in the lives of people with disabilities, emotional and social challenges like Luna through engagement with horses in a fun and safe environment supported by specially trained coaches, horses and volunteers.

Our End of Financial Year Donation Drive will run until midnight on the 30th June 2021. This is a great opportunity for you to get a tax refund through your donation to HorsePower Australia. After a tax deductible donation is made, you will receive a receipt immediately via email which you can then claim with the ATO.

Help spread the word and download our EOFY Campaign Poster to display at your place of work.

Your donation this tax-time can help enrich the lives of children, young people and adults with disabilities, emotional and social challenges this EOFY and make a difference in theirs and their families lives.

Make your tax deductible donation today.

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